Affiliate Disclaimer

To be transparent, We would like to inform you that some of the products and links to said products on this site are affiliate links. As a result, We will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make from the affiliate links.

The main goal of the Classique website is to help educate and share ideas and discoveries. So, while some blog posts may include affiliate links, we will provide honest reviews. Please note that not all links published on this website are affiliate links, and you can be confident that the products or services we recommend are those that you are genuinely a fan of or have tried. Of course, the same applies to any brand, event, or gift promotion with a purchase or discount promotion deal. But, again, we will provide honest reviews.

Amazon Affiliate program: We’re big fans of Amazon, and some of our links to products/gear are to those products on Amazon websites. We participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates advertising and affiliate program that enables us to earn by linking products and services to and its affiliated sites.

Other examples that is an affiliate with include Hostinger and Canva, but it is not limited to those websites.

If you have questions regarding the above, don’t hesitate to contact me using the contact page.

Cheers and good luck!

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