
Personality Type and Sex: Who Reigns Supreme in the Bedroom?

Can Your Personality Predict Your Bedroom Skills?

Personality Type and Sex: Have you ever wondered if your personality affects your bedroom performance? Well, wonder no more! A recent survey conducted by Superdrug Online Doctor finally reveals the truth about how the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types approach love and intimacy.

Extroverts Take the Lead in Sexual Adventure

According to the study, extroverted personality types seem to have the most appetite for adventure in the bedroom. So, who exactly is the most sexually adventurous of them all? It’s none other than ENTJ!

Personality Quirks in the Bedroom

But what does “appetite for adventure” really mean? It’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty and find out the preferences and quirks of each personality type in the bedroom.

Can Personality Affect Bedroom Skills?

It’s only logical to assume that our personality shapes our skills in the bedroom. So, the big question is, which personality type reigns supreme in the bedroom? Read on to find out.

So, whether you’re an INTP or an ESFJ, this article has got you covered! So, get ready to discover the juicy details on personality type and sex and see if your personality predicts your bedroom skills.

Can Your Myers-Briggs Type Predict Your Bedroom Skills?

Have you ever wondered if your personality affects your bedroom performance? Well, wonder no more! A recent survey conducted by Superdrug Online Doctor reveals how the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types approach to love and intimacy and gives us a glimpse into what kind of lover you are most likely to be.

From Threesome Enthusiasts to Least Adventurous Lovers

According to the study, ISTP is the most willing to try a threesome, while ISFJ is perhaps the least adventurous in bed. But when it comes to crowning the King or Queen of the sheets, it’s not that simple. After all, when it comes to sex, different strokes work for other folks!

The Top 5 Bedroom Champions

So, who gets top marks for their bedroom skills? According to the survey, the following personality types are the top performers in the sheets:

  • ESTJ: The most sexually active type which aims to please their partner
  • ENFP: Experimental and open-minded
  • INTP: The perfect combination of sensual, non-judgmental, and committed
  • ISTP: These pleasure seekers follow their desires
  • ENFJ: A giving lover who puts their partner first

What Your Personality Reveals About Your Lovemaking Skills

With ESTJs ranking as the most sexually satisfied and INFPs ranking as the least, it’s only natural to wonder what sexual activities each type prefers. This article has got you covered! Read on to find out what your personality type reveals about your lovemaking skills.

So, whether you’re an ISTJ or an ENTP, grab a glass of wine, sit back, and get ready to discover the juicy details on personality type and sex!

INFJ – Understanding the Deep Lovers 

Personality Type and Sex Missionary

The INFJ personality type is known for being introverted and emotionally intense, but that doesn’t mean they skimp out on intimacy. Sex for INFJs is much more than just a physical act. They need a deep emotional connection and meaning behind their intimate encounters. This fact can make them hesitant to jump into bed with anyone, but once they’re in a committed relationship, they are one of the least selfish lovers. They genuinely get off on their partner’s pleasure.

Missionary Position: INFJ’s Favourite?

INFJs are the people pleasers of the sexual world and love nothing more than making their partners feel good. So, it’s no surprise they enjoy traditional positions like missionary, where they can be fully present and focused on their partner’s satisfaction.

Open-Minded Experimenters

Don’t let their introverted nature fool you. INFJs can be open-minded in the bedroom and willing to experiment with new positions and experiences.

INFJ: Least Likely to Masturbate

Despite being introverted at heart, INFJs are the least likely personality type to engage in solo sexual activities like masturbation. Instead, they invest deeply in their intimate relationships and find pleasure in getting their partner off, so they may not see the same allure in self-pleasure as other personality types do.

So there you have it, the INFJ personality type and their sexual habits explained. Remember that these are general tendencies and may not apply to every INFJ, but it’s still fun to explore the connection between personality type and sex.

ENFJ: The Giving Guru of the Bedroom

When it comes to intimacy, ENFJs are all about pleasing their partner. They don’t shy away from trying new things, and their generosity in the bedroom earns them top marks.

The Toy Master: ENFJ Ranks Second

ENFJs aren’t afraid to bring big guns (or toys?) in the bedroom. They are the second most likely to use sex toys to excite their intimate encounters. So, if you’re an ENFJ, don’t hesitate to suggest a trip to the sex shop for some couples’ playtime.

Pleasure-Seeker: ENFJ Cares About Yours Too

ENFJs care about their partner’s pleasure as much as their own, making them the epitome of a giving lover. So, if you’re lucky enough to have an ENFJ in your life, you can bet they’ll go above and beyond to make sure your intimate encounters are unforgettable.

INFP – The Heart-On-Their-Sleeve Lovers

For INFPs, sex is a physical act and a union of bodies, hearts, and souls. INFPs expect a deep emotional connection with their partners, and they won’t settle for anything less. That’s why they’re the most difficult personality type to satisfy in bed.

The Sensual Dreamers

INFPs are known for their vivid imaginations and ability to bring romance to any situation. They have a passion for love, and that shows in the bedroom. So, don’t be surprised if they come up with some seriously steamy scenarios.

The Unsatisfied Romantics

Despite their romantic aspirations, INFPs often left feeling unfulfilled regarding sex. Is it because they’re too picky? Or do they have fantasies that are too hot for the average partner to handle? Who knows. But one thing’s for sure: INFPs deserve a lover who can keep up with their desire for passion and connection.

ENFP – The Wild Child of the Bedroom

ENFPs are a fireball of passion, and their high libido only adds fuel to the fire. But before they thoroughly let go, they need an emotional connection that ignites their lustful flames. Once they find that, buckle up and hold on tight as they unleash their wild side in the bedroom.

Always Up for Adventure

These adventurous lovers are always open to new experiences and bring that same creativity and curiosity to their sexual encounters. So an ENFP might be your perfect match if you’re looking for a partner who’s not afraid to explore uncharted territories.

Pioneers of Same-Sex Experimentation

ENFPs are known for their boundary-pushing personalities, and this extends to their sexual preferences as well. They’re the most likely of all the 16 personality types to experiment with partners of the same sex. So, if you’re looking for a lover who’s open-minded and unafraid of exploring new territories, look no further!

Daring and Daringly Decadent

ENFPs don’t shy away from the unconventional when getting their rocks off. So it’s no surprise that they’re the personality type most willing to try anal sex. ENFPs ranked first on this kinky variable, with ESTPs coming in at a close second. So, for any daring partners out there, ENFPs might be the perfect match for you.

INTJ – The Perfectionist in the Sack

Are you an INTJ? If so, congratulations! You bring your genuine dedication and drive for excellence into the bedroom with you. They say that practice makes perfect, and INTJs are no exception regarding their bedroom skills. This personality type takes their natural dedication and drive for excellence into the boudoir, constantly striving to improve and perfect their technique. For INTJs, sex is a rare opportunity to let go of overthinking and go with the flow.

 Favourite Position: “Bow Wow Wow”

What’s the INTJ’s secret to bedroom success? Perhaps it’s their love of the classic doggy-style position. For these perfectionists, the opportunity to rise to the challenge and take charge in the bedroom is too good to pass up.

Eager to Experiment and Rise to the Challenge

INTJs always look for new and exciting ways to spice things up in the bedroom. They love a good challenge and always seek a better status quo. So, whether trying new positions or incorporating some exciting props, INTJs are always up for experimenting.

 ENTJ – Bedroom Antics

ENTJs are known for their bold and daring nature, and that same spirit extends to their sexual preferences. This personality type tops the charts for using sex toys, role play and bondage and is always up for a little 

A Toy Chest Full of Surprises

When it comes to using sex toys, ENTJs don’t hold back. They rank highest among all 16 personality types for incorporating these exciting tools into their lovemaking. From vibrators to restraints, ENTJs are never afraid to try something new in the name of pleasure.

Second Only to Satisfaction

Not only are ENTJs daring in their sexual choices, but rank second highest for overall sexual satisfaction. No wonder E.L. James chose ENTJ as the personality type for Fifty Shades of Grey’s dominant billionaire Christian Grey. So, for any interested partners, buckle up and prepare for an exciting ride with an ENTJ lover!

INTP – Quality Over Quantity in the Bedroom

Attention INTPs! You are proof that quality beats quantity when it comes to sex. Despite having fewer sexual partners, you still rank in the top five for being willing to experiment. Their forte includes bondage, anal, threesomes, and role-playing.

You’re less likely to engage in one-night stands and be open to trying new things if you’re an INTP. Your non-judgmental nature also makes you a great partner in the bedroom.

A Commitment to Experimentation

INTPs may not have the highest number of sexual partners, but they make up for it in quality. This type ranked in the top five for willingness to experiment, including trying out bondage, anal, threesomes, and role-playing. So it’s no surprise that their partners are too satisfied to leave!

So if you’re an INTP, don’t worry about quantity. As an INTP, you bring a unique combination of sensuality and adventurous spirit to the bedroom. As a result, your partners are likely to be more than satisfied with the experience!

ENTP – The Mind and Body Connoisseur

Personality Type and Sex BDSM

ENTP personalities are all about the mind-body connection. They believe that sex is both physical and mental, and emotional. And they are not afraid to tell you what they like in the bedroom. As a result, they are the least likely to be mistaken about their sexual preference and are known for being flirty and sensual.

Adventure Awaits in the Bedroom

ENTPs always look for new experiences, and the bedroom is no exception. They enjoy pushing the limits of what is considered “normal” and are always open to trying new things. Whether it’s role-play, bondage, or simply talking dirty, ENTPs are always up for a challenge. They believe that the kinkier, the better, and they find the best connection with a partner who can keep up with their adventurous spirit.

A Casual Attitude towards Sex

ENTPs are known for their flirty nature and are often comfortable with casual sexual encounters. Despite their inclination towards casual sex, ENTPs still prefer to connect with their partner on a deeper level and enjoy sex more with someone with whom they share a connection. They don’t take sex too seriously and prefer to see it as a fun way to appreciate someone, whether they’re a new partner or an old flame.

The Giving and Playful Lover

In bed, ENTPs are creative, playful, and giving. They are happy as long as their partner is satisfied, and they love to experiment and try new things. They are innovative and curious and aren’t afraid to get a little dirty. Whether exploring new oral techniques or incorporating some light BDSM into the mix, ENTPs always look for ways to enhance their sexual experience. So get ready for a wild ride with the ENTP lover!

ISTJ – A Careful and Organized Approach to Sex

ISTJs have a reputation for pursuing excellence in all aspects of their life, including sex. However, they may not always be vocal about their desires and needs in the bedroom. It takes a little coaxing to bring out their wild side, but when they do, you can be sure it will be a well-planned and organized experience.

The Missionary-Loving 

ISTJs are all about order and keeping things tidy, so it’s no surprise that they prefer primary missionary when it comes to sex. They like to keep everyone’s body aligned and in order, and they always have a sex towel nearby to keep their bedding pristine. Being responsible individuals, they will immediately clean up any mess after sex.

The Satisfaction-Seeking 

Despite their shyness in the bedroom, ISTJs are very concerned with their partner’s satisfaction. They prefer to get to know someone before getting intimate and will go the extra mile to ensure their partner is satisfied. For ISTJs, sex improves with time and effort, and they’re willing to work to maintain a long-term sexual connection with their partner.

ISTJ personality type may not be the most vocal about their desires in the bedroom, but they have a careful and organized approach to sex that prioritizes their partner’s satisfaction. So, if you’re lucky enough to get intimate with an ISTJ, be prepared for a well-planned and organized experience, and be willing to help coax them out of their shell.

ESTJ – The Sexually Confident 

ESTJs are known for their natural confidence and assertiveness, and that extends to their sex life as well. They take charge in the bedroom, showing off their prowess and letting go to enjoy the physical side of sex. With a dominant personality, ESTJs are sure to leave a lasting impression.

The Most Active and Satisfied

ESTJs are the most sexually active personality type, ranking highest for frequency of sexual activity. Whether in a series of monogamous relationships or enjoying several one-night stands, ESTJs are always up for a good time. And they rank as the most sexually satisfied personality type – so they must be doing something right!

The Organized Lover

ESTJs love rules and systems, bringing that same organization to the bedroom. They love being in charge and directing their partner into a 69, where everyone’s pleasure moments are simultaneous. Being direct and assertive, ESTJs know what they want and won’t beat around the bush to get it.

ISFJ – Sensual and Steady

Are you an ISFJ personality type? If so, you’ve probably known for your steady and devoted approach to relationships, and the same goes for your sex life. You like connecting with your partner and ensuring they’re satisfied, rather than taking risks or trying new things in the bedroom.

A Conservative Approach to Sex

ISFJs tend to stick to what they know works, and this mindset carries over into the bedroom. You’re not one for taking risks or experimenting in bed, but keep things steamy. You prefer to excel at what you know works and keep things simple.

The Art of Spooning

If there’s one thing ISFJs love, it’s cuddling and connecting with their partner. You’re a big fan of spooning, both as the giver and the receiver. You like the sensation of being held and stimulated simultaneously, and you enjoy the intimacy that comes with this type of physical affection.

Loyal and Generous Lovers

ISFJs are known for their loyalty and generosity, which extends to their sex lives. You’re committed to your partner and want to ensure they feel loved and satisfied in the bedroom. However, you’re not one for playing the field, and you’d instead settle down with one person and build a robust and intimate connection.

ESFJ -The Affectionate and Devoted Lover

Are you an ESFJ personality type? If so, you’re all about making your partner happy and satisfied in the bedroom. You prefer to be in a committed relationship rather than playing the field, and you bring your emotions into the bedroom, making for a more intimate and loving experience.

One Love to Last a Lifetime

ESFJs are known for their devotion to their partners and expect the same in return. You’re not one to try new things in the bedroom or take risks. When it comes to sexual adventures, you’re the least likely to be open to a threesome. But that’s okay because your partner’s love alone is enough for you.

No Sharing Needed

ESFJs are deeply committed to their partners, which extends to the bedroom. You’re not one for playing the field or experimenting sexually; instead, you’d stick to the love and affection you share with your partner. For you, one love is all you need.

ISTP – The Adventurous Lover

When it comes to ISTPs, the sensual side of this personality type shines through. They live in a world of pleasure, and sex is a big part of that.

The Free-Spirited Lover

ISTPs are sexually open and not shy about having multiple partners at once. They believe in living life to the fullest, including exploring their sexual desires.

Enjoys the Physical Side of Sex

ISTPs love the physical aspects of sex and enjoy getting down and dirty with their partners. In addition, they are visual creatures, and sight is the key to their arousal.

Likes to Take Control in Bed

If you’re looking for someone who will take charge of the bedroom, look no further than ISTPs. They are practical and mechanical and enjoy learning how things work and finding the best ways to improve them. In the bedroom, they’ll be more than happy to prop up their partner’s torso and stimulate them with a vibrator.

Stumbling into Sexual Opportunities

ISTPs may stumble into sexual opportunities, but once someone makes a move, they are enthusiastic about exploring. They see sex with someone new as a puzzle to figure out what turns their partner on and gets them off. And for those they have been with for a while, the mystery is about finding new and exciting ways to keep the flame alive.

The Perfect Third Wheel

Are you looking to add a third person to your sexual endeavours? Look no further than ISTPs. Statistically, they are the most likely to be open to the idea and have as much fun as you do.

ESTP – The Thrilling Lover

ESTPs bring a combination of factors that make them exciting bed partners. They have a high sex drive, are confident in their sexual preferences, and aren’t afraid to try new things.

Knows What They Like, and They’ll Ask for It

ESTPs know what they like in the bedroom and are not afraid to ask for it. They are the least likely to be mistaken about their sexual preferences and enjoy exploring new sexual positions requiring flexibility and focus.

The 69 Enthusiast

ESTPs are the most likely to enjoy the 69 sex act, which is a mutual satisfaction between partners. They love to try new things and tackle new challenges, making them the perfect bed partner for those who enjoy a bit of excitement in the bedroom.

The Thrilling Threesome

ESTPs love inviting a third person into the bedroom and establishing healthy boundaries before turning up the heat. With their problem-solving skills, ESTPs can handle the logistics of arranging a threesome with ease.

The Sensual Adventurer

ESTPs are very grounded, earthy, and sensual. They love to flirt and explore sexual opportunities as they arise. While they may not seek committed relationships, staying with one partner for a long time often leads to discovering new realms of their sexuality. With trust, stability, and familiarity, ESTPs embrace even more passion and adventure in the bedroom.

ISFP – Put Your Partner First and Get Rewarded in the Bedroom

ISFPs know how to make their sexual partners feel comfortable and desired, thanks to their willingness to put their partner’s needs first. As a result, they rank second most likely to be mistaken about their sexual preferences, but their expressive and caring nature during sex more than makes up for it.

The Flexible and Gentle Bedroom Companion

ISFPs are flexible and gentle, making them ideal for partners who enjoy experimenting in the bedroom. This type is also open to trying new things, making them the perfect fit for a partner who wants to explore different positions and techniques. With ISFPs, you can expect to be stimulated from behind or turn your partner around for a unique and satisfying experience.

A Journey Toward Sexual Satisfaction

ISFPs may have a long and unexpected journey to find sexual satisfaction, but this journey is sure to be appreciated by open-minded partners. With a tendency to be laid-back about sex, ISFPs are happy to explore new people mentally and physically. While they may not experience peak physical pleasure until they’re in a relationship with someone they trust, ISFPs love sex when it feels right. So, if you’re looking for a relaxed and accommodating partner, ISFPs are the perfect match!

ESFP – The Life of the Party in the Bedroom

Are you an ESFP? Then you’re lucky because this personality type is known for being a fantastic lover! With a mix of extroverted sensing and introverted feeling, ESFPs are naturally curious and attuned to their partner’s physical and emotional needs.

The Perfect Partner for Any Sexual Adventure

ESFPs are always up for a good time, whether a long-term relationship or a one-night fling. You’re observant, in tune, and ready to explore new sexual experiences. The only thing that might be missing is same-sex experimentation. According to recent studies, ESFPs rank as the least likely personality type to experiment with someone of the same gender. But that’s not to say it’s impossible. It just means ESFPs prefer to focus on other aspects of their sexuality.

Let the Drama Begin!

Vivacious ESFPs love being the center of attention, especially in the bedroom. They’re spontaneous and love to put on a show for their partner. So, don’t be surprised if they sweep you off your feet with a sexy striptease before jumping into bed.

The Passionate and Open-Minded Partner

ESFPs are passionate about sex and enjoy both flings and committed relationships. However, they may fall for someone even if the connection is casual. In bed, ESFPs are incredibly open-minded and will do whatever it takes to ensure their partner is satisfied. As long as everyone is getting off, ESFPs are happy!

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